Post #6: Our Property Hunt - Part 2

Last month in Part 1 of our property hunt, we shared 5 out of 10 of our top considerations when looking for our property - Elevation, Water, Soil, Cost and Location.  The last 5 of our Top 10 considerations are:

6. Size

We are looking for a property that is around 5 – 10 acres in size.  In order to qualify for a land based winery license we need to have a minimum of 2 acres planted.  The land must have enough room for grapes, a house, tasting room and parking, production facility and equipment and any potential future expansion. 

So how big is an acre?  While lot sizes range in Calgary, a lot that is 40’ feet by 120’ feet is 4,800 square feet.  An acre is 43,560 square feet which is about the size of 2 ½ ice hockey rinks.

7. State of Infrastructure

 Properties that require a large amount of work also potentially require a large amount of effort and money for infrastructure.  Considerations we take into account are:

  • Does the property have an existing house, are renovations needed?

  • Is there an existing well or deer fence?

  • Are there any buildings that will work for a tasting room or production facility?

  • Is anything currently planted that we would have to tear out like an existing orchard?

  • Does the property need to be cleared or contoured?

8. Growing Degree Days (GDD)

Growing Degree Days measures heat accumulation and helps to determine what grapes will grow in certain areas.  The BC Atlas of Suitable Grape Growing Locations categorizes land in four classes showing suitability.  The map below shows the Growing Degree Days in the Okanagan area.


9. Slope and Frost

If there are low pockets on a property, cold air will flow down and collect at the bottom creating a frost pocket.  A gradual slope allows the cold air to drain off and not get trapped at the bottom, and this minimizes frost damage.

10. Lifestyle

This is definitely one of our most important factors.  While we need the other items on this list to align, at the end of the day this is where we will live and work every day.  For each property we look at we ask ourselves:

  • Do we want to live here?

  • Do we want to raise Lucas here?

  • What amenities are nearby?

  • What is the community like?

  • How far from Calgary is the property, as Jim will have to commute, at least for a little while


And there you have it, the Top 10 things we look for in a property.  While we haven’t found “the one” yet, we have taken our first couple of steps on the journey.  Were you surprised by what was – or wasn’t – on our list?


Post #7: 2022 Year in Review


Post #5: Our Property Hunt - Part 1